Best Customer Service at the Utah Division of Corporations


Inadvertantly I did not renew my Corporation. Our state requires an annual renewal application and fee.

Because of these difficult economic times, I was in the process of re-writing a loan for a piece of equipment that I owned. The leasing company had all the paperwork ready to send me for my signature, but they informed me that my corporation was not even active.

I called the Utah Division of Corporations & Commercial Code, which happened to be on a Friday. Wouldn't you know it, they don't work on Fridays. First thing Monday morning I gave them another call.

The lady that answered had me fill out the renewal application, told me to fax the application back to her, took my credit card information, and assured me that it was now on its way through their system.

How long? I asked. She said it would be up to three weeks. "Your kidding me", I said. I called the leasing company. They weren't willing to wait three weeks.

I called this lady back, trying to see if I could speed up the process. "Sorry sir, that's all I can do". I asked to speak to her supervisor. She sent me to her supervisor's voice mail. I left a message explaining my situation, and requesting some help.

This "super" supervisor called me back within the hour. She asked for my pertinent information, found my paperwork, and personally followed the paperwork through their system. She faxed the paper that I needed for the lease company that very same day, and followed up the fax with a phone call to make sure I had received what I needed.

It blew me away! This was a "state government official" mind you! Wow!

Kudos where Kudos are due!

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