Good Customer Service Brings Good Business

by Niranjani Chandrasekar
(Chennai, TamilNadu, India)

Good customer service is very essential in all types of business.

I am dealing in a glass and wood business, where I meet daily with my customers and my dealers. Generally in any type of business we come across different classes of people with varied thoughts and styles. Therefore businessmen/women have to adjust to varied situations.

Customer service is where we have to speak in such a way that we show our politeness, and we must be calm in all situations. Most of the time it is nearly impossible to maintain our cool, yet calmness is a most important quality. It is required in any business we are dealing with.

I come across a variety of people. Some are very good and calm, but a few customers are themselves very tense and will make us tense. We must be in control of our speech and thoughts so that we can make our customers like us very much. This will bring more business to us.

This self control not only attracts our customers, but also attracts more business. This makes our business grow, and we are able to meet a lot of people, and get varied ideas and suggestions which enables us to grow our product lines to various branches.

It is therefore said that good customer service is a good motto for good business.

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